Where I am


I am struggling to be able to form a coherent narrative which fulfills the briefs requirements of 12 photographs. 

So far I have taken inspiration from (name it) spread in vogue and i know I would like to do a fashion editorial somehow. 
I plan to book the studio for a morning and shoot there to see the outcome however I am unsure weather I will be Able to achieve what I currently envision my project direction to be shot in a studio. 
I plan to shoot using more than just my DSLR; this current brief does not specify what medium we should use and therefore I wish to experiment with disposal cameras as they are more portable and more subtle than a large DSLR. I may also experiment with my mobile phone to see how I can use the far more accessible and convenient method that this provides. 
If i use disposal camera I will have to scan the image in to a computer to resize and put next to other images in a series. 

I really like the snapshot method of photography which has been demonstrated by corrine day and Juergen teller. When an image doesn't feel the page it can feel more personal. However I also like it when an image fills the page completely as this feels very clean and professional. I feel like I have too many ideas for this project and I am struggling to refine them down to one particular direction for me to go in and this is hindering my ability to photograph for just one subject. 

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