

Today I got my first film camera developed of images I have taken the past three weeks or so. I find it a lot easier to quickly take out this little camera and snap away quickly at moments I believe will make a good shot, rather than my large DSLR camera, as it is something I can always have to hand and a lot less intrusive; I can take it out without people noticing and its a lot less invasive. The grain which the camera gives the images also helps me create a strong aesthetic throughout my narrative. 

Megan and Ali

The aesthetics of this image, the bright foreground captured by the flash against a darker background, the high grain and high contrast, are very similar to my others and it would fit well with other photographs as part of my narrative.
This photograph isn’t staged; the two subjects didn’t know I was going to photograph them which creates an authentic snapshot with original beauty and style. The way my two subjects are stood gives an insight into their relationship; you can see that he is helping her stand steady and holding her bag for her displays a caring side to Ali, and that Megan is wearing his hat and jacket, which shows he wants to make their companionship known, and reaffirms his caring nature as he puts her needs above his own. The subtle interaction between the two really bring the image together,

I took this image out of my bedroom window on a miserable afternoon, as I was sat doing work. I really like the aesthetic of the image, and I hadn’t previously considered including landscapes in my narrative, however I am now thinking about including other subject matter other than people, as it will increase variety in my narrative and create some context around my other images.
I like the framing of the photograph, I took it from where I was sat rather than moving to avoid the brick work and frame of my window, and the reflections they cause. The buildings captured are very regimented and quite futuristic, however the lighting and weather means this dystopia pictured is very dreary and dismal. 
I plan to look back at other landscapes I have taken in the past two months, as these could be included as added context behind images of people I have taken there and plan to use in my narrative, I could use both together to help build my narrative.

For these images I used a flash gun with the film camera which helped create strong contrast, I then increased the highlights and whites in post to heighten this.

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