In Design Workshop with Georgie


Today we had a workshop with Georgie on how to use Adobe inDesign. We need to use the programme to make our mock up books for our narrative, and the programme will also be helpful when creating our photo zine for our third brief, which will require careful consideration on where we are placing photos in relation to each other and any text we include.

This is how we would set up a new document, columns and gutters help to space out things on the page equally. They don't have to be used but I found them helpful in the taught session. 

To create page numbers, we learnt about master pages; anything you put on a master page will appear  on any other pages in the document, for example page numbers is a good example for this. 

inDesign's text is automatically set to hyphenate between lines when the space is too small to fit a word, to rectify this I'll have to deselect 'Hyphenate' so that text falls onto the next line instead. 

Once I've found a colour which I've created that isn't a preset colour, I can easily add a new swatch of the colour to this panel, which saves the colour to be used again in another part of the publication. 

Align was a really helpful tool which we were taught, as its really important that if somethings supposed to be aligned correctly that it is as it will look unprofessional if its slightly off and someone notices. 

Effects which you can add to images which I place on a page, including shadows and glows.

I found todays workshop really helpful, the programme is easy to get to grips with and it was really well explained. I will definitely use the skills I learnt to create my mock book and photo zine. 

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