

Today I experimented with the addition of portraiture to my still life images and having the two set next to each other. I wanted to maintain the colour scheme I had already set myself, with pastel colours which both match and/or compliment each other.
 I gave my model the prop I used perviously in my still life shoots and used A2 card as a background in a matching colour. This test shoot will give me an idea of whether the colours work and if a portrait image could work alongside a still life shot.

This was my set up. I used ambient light from a window which I positioned my model infront of, and stuck an A2 size piece of card up on the wall as a coloured backdrop. I had to ensure I was shooting when conditions were bright, and the walls were white which helped reflect and brighten the room. 

My Best Outcomes:

These two images were my favourite outcomes from this shoot. All of the images colour was very flat and wasn't popping out to me in the way I had hoped it to. I chose these images as my best outcomes based on the composition and the position of the model and the prop, showing both from the best angles and in ways which work. I plan to reshoot something similar and in addition to experiment with other props and colours, hoping to get the colour to work better, looking brighter and more blue.

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