More Pastel Portraits


Today I experimented with a another shoot using a colour background. I had the plan for this shoot in my head a while and had bought the ice-cream needed a while back, but my set up required a bright day as my only source of light I wanted to be natural, so the shoot was a spontaneous one yesterday when the sun came out. Its lucky that I live with my model, Hannah and that she is always ready to jump up and pose for me. For this shoot I had taken inspiration from Ruth Allen, and her pastel portraits with props and I really just wanted the images to be fun. Throughout I was shooting I was just talking to Hannah and making her laugh and asking her to be silly but with little else direction. This meant the images are natural and although some out of focus slightly as Hannah was getting a bit too excited and moving around a lot, I was shooting constantly and made sure I had lots of images to choose from.

My Final Outcomes

I love how fun these images are, the colours work really well and the addition of the ice cream as an extra prop worked really well and added an extra pop of colour. They were exactly how I had imagined them which to me,  is the sign of a successful shoot. If I were to do a similar shoot again I would maybe ask my model not to move as much as this did compromise my focus and it wasn't as selective as I was after, similar to my other images from this Exhibition brief, I wanted more focus on the eyes, as this is where someone best communicates their emotions.

I really like where this project has taken me and despite originally wanting to focus on solely still life, this development into these colourful and fun portraits is something I really enjoy and to me, more fun than shooting still life. I think I have learnt from this brief that I couldn't be a sole still life photographer, as I have strayed back to what I truly enjoy. 

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