

After looking into the possibilities of book binding variations, I had never really considered the idea of a hard back book, as I thought this wasn't possible to make by hand. My friend Emily, an illustration student who had made a hardback book as one of her graphic design projects at college. She explained to me how to make it and it is a way of book binding which I think would work really work with my book.

This inside cover acts as a bind to keep the pages together, I plan to experiment and create a similar college to Mario Sorrenti's Draw Blood for Proof; (Post here) This would be a really nice way to include some extra images which didn't make the final edit for the prints to be included in my book somehow. I plan to also experiment with including train tickets and other things which relate to my images and the people in them. 

I plan to make a mock mock book to try out sizes and thickness of the bind I will need. I plan to do this by Wednesday the 13th.  Emily also suggested that I could use sticky back plastic and make my book waterproof; something which I plan to look into and see if its necessary. 

To make this hardback book I will have to use three pieces of cardboard, two A4 for the covers and one slim strip for the spine, the size of which will be dependent on how many pages I wish to include.
In addition to the cardboard, I will use a thick card or paper to cover the cardboard to make the cover. emily use watercolour paper here which feels quite personal and handmade, I need to decide whether I want my book to have a more personal or finished look to it; at first my gut feeling is personal but I still have a few more days to decide upon this.

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