Fourth Portrait Shoot


Today I got to experiment with using the backdrop I printed using a second year Textile students design. For this shoot I cast a model which I hadn't worked with before, I chose her as she matched my aesthetic; she has an edgier look than my previous blonde model which works better.

I really like the way my work is developing at the moment but I can conscious about bringing everything together and being able to achieve 12 final images in the given time. Especially with my moving image still in the ideas stage.

1/160 f/5.6 Canon 5D

This is my personal favourite from the shoot, even though I tried to stay away from pink, the pink top goes really well with the blue in the background and the models complexion. 

1/160 f/5.6 Canon 5D

1/160 f/5 Canon 5D

1/160 f/5 Canon 5D

Whenever I shoot portraiture I now always try out a few shots which I could use for still life as studio time is precious; I 

1/160 f/5 Canon 5D

I really like the shirt in both the images above and below. It matches the pattern really well and pulls the image together. I can really see my reference images, from House of Hackney, shine through from the styling and use of pattern and colour. 

1/160 f/5 Canon 5D

I also experimented with a plain background. I had the tropical leaves in the styling and didn't necessarily need them in the background also, I really like the outcome of this experiment as it maintains a minimalistic feel through my images.

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