Third Still life shoot


Today I shot my third set of still life images. I used the background I used previously as it worked really well and I was really happy with those images. This first image is my best outcome from the shoot. The composition works really well. I think including a model in my still life really brings the product to life and I prefer this to having the bag just on its own. 

1/125 f/7.1 ISO 200 Canon 5D III

For styling I used the bag from the previous shoot, and a jumpsuit which I had experimented before but belongs to me. The background and the outfit go together really well, I think its nice how I can see my personality come from within the image, my work is finally starting to reflect me which is something I really want to come through to the viewer. 

1/125 f/7.1 ISO 200 Canon 5D III

I need to watch the distance between my background and the subject, It was a struggle because the background was A0, so I was still struggling with how far out I can shoot without dropping off the background, but with my portrait and other images the shadow isn't so prominent and works better.

1/125 f/7.1 ISO 200 Canon 5D III

1/125 f/7.1 ISO 200 Canon 5D III

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