Rhianna Ellington Textile Design


In my crit with Sophie this week I showed my still life images where I was experimenting with the addition of a tropical element into my images, and my upcoming collaboration with a textiles student. She gave me the names of a couple designers who I should have a look at. One being Rhianna Ellington, who's designs have been featured on clothing for Motel Rocks, Kuccia for ASOS, menus for All Bar One, and Accessorises for Sanctuary Studio, and more.

Looking through her lookbook and her clients images of them using her prints, I have found inspiration for shoots my own patterns for this project.

This image immediately stood out to me as it reminded of when Corinne Day shot for Penthouse Magazine in 1997; the yellow of the flowers together with the styling here work really well together and its a good example of choosing a location for a shot really works over shooting in the studio. 

I selected this image to show here as I plan to try and link my portraits/still life together with my landscapes with the inclusion of patterns and/or plants included in the composition. 

I love the composition of this image, both the model and the guideline for swimmers at the bottom of the pool and each corner works really well to eliminate blank space and pull the focus together and towards the model. 

I plan to reference this image within my still life, working with different, more interesting crops and using the model to help enhance the shot, with the focus here being on the skirt and jewellery. 

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