Still life shoot


After shooting my moving image last tuesday and I had some time left in the studio and whilst waiting for my model to have her makeup done today I was all set up and just playing around and shot some extra still life  images, I am still in the process of choosing my final four and having some more which fit my style better will (hopefully) make my selection process a little easier and mean I'll be happier with my final choice. 

1/50 f/4 Canon 5Ds

I really like this shot. The composition is really simple and wasn't planned at all, the bag and props were literally lying on the floor of the studio and I took a shot and arranged it in a slightly more considered way. The colours work really well and it looks like it could be an advert. The simplicity really attracts me to the shot, and how the bag is straight versus the one below. For it to work amongst my other images as a set I would need to change the saturation of the yellow. 

1/125 f3.2 Canon 5Ds

1/125 f/3.2 Canon 5Ds

1/125 f/3.2 Canon 5Ds

I really don't like the above three shots. I like the idea, but the execution just didn't work out and I didn't have a coloured background to work with other than white/grey, and adding in the yellow during post looks unnatural and I tried to work around it by adding the illustrated leaves as I had before, but it just doesn't work as I had hoped. I took these before the first two above and felt quite disheartened and was worried I wouldn't have enough solid images to select from for my final submission, however I have the studio booked next week and I am confident that I can either recreate this shot and get a better result or shoot something better.

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