Second mock up


After taking more images today I added them to the existing indesign document. I changed some around and added some too. It was interesting shooting them as my aim was to make them look the same as the others and make them look as though they had been shot on the same day. I made sure I shot on a day with similar weather conditions, I was lucky enough to have another warm day close together. I won't send this to the design for publishing student because I plan to shoot more and wouldn't want to waste her time when she has her own work to do too.

I took this to my 1 to 1 with James today and he said my images were strong, but pointed out her skin in the 13th image was a little rough looking and not as smooth as the rest of the skin in the other images. I had noticed this but hadn't had time to change it, and that image will not be used in my final editorial anyway as it isn't one of my best.

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