Third Shoot


The design for publishing student who I can collaborating with to create my own editorial is currently working on one of her own based on Japanese Fashion. I thought this was the perfect situation as we were both helping each other out. 
She had a model in mind but was after a photographer to take the images. Initially she wanted a studio shoot, but after my location shoots last week I was really keen on getting outside more and using my environment to produce some more cool images. She was happy with the idea of a location shoot and had seen my other images and really liked them. I wanted to use lines and form again within my images so we went to two locations, firstly in Boardman House, and then to the top of St. Stephens carpark. My other carpark images came out really well and I love having the combination of different lines as well as being high enough to potentially have a skyline and/or just use the sky especially on such a sunny day. Having the contrasting shadows from the high sun is also something which works really well and playing around with the markings on the ground too. 

I really like using the lines available in my locations, like this one in the tarmac on the floor, to help my use of space in the image.

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