Shooting today


My focus on todays shoot was on using the lines of the architecture and lines on the floor of the carpark to complement my images minimal feel. I really liked the images I took of the model on the wall of the carpark, but they didn't fit with the rest of the images in the editorial as they had too much going on in the background, and the remainder of them had a very minimal feel to them.

I also took images of the different bits of building and the floor of the carpark to potentially use as solo images in the editorial or for layering underneath images as I have found editorials which do this and I really like them.

This is my favourite image from this shoot, I really like the composition, the way she is framed by the rail either side, and the wall behind her. 

I like her pose, but the composition isn't strong, my angle should have been higher so that I didn't get the sky in the shot.

I would improve the pose next time as the model is a little round shouldered.

I was thinking about use of space and the possibility of including text within my images, I made sure I had negative space to think about using later.

My crop could be better here, Ive chopped her second shoe off which isn't ideal for an editorial which would be selling the shoes. However, I really like the high angle and the bold lines against the red and blue of the styling. I needed to be a little bit further back and a little bit higher. 

To improve, I want to use a stylist on my shoots, here in this image, the shirt is creased and not laying flat on the model this is something a stylist would pick up on so I don't have to think about styling. 

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