My current website


After finally updating my website to have all my current work I gave it a little revamp too and added some new features which makes my website easier to navigate and enables it to have more content.

This is my homepage of my current website. I designed this website on my own without the help of a graphic designer, just taking inspiration from other websites that I liked the look of and put my own spin on it. The templates and examples WIX provides also gave me some inspiration despite me not actually using the template, I brought aspects of them into my design. 

As you scroll down on my homepage at the bottom is a preview of my Instagram page. I really liked this feature and although I hadn't seen it on any photographers pages I looked at, its a nice addition and a good showcase to have at the bottom of my page, as you hover over an image it shows how many comments/likes it got, and you can click on it to open the image in Instagram. Above it are all my social media links which will take you to the corresponding platform, and a quick button to send me an email. 

I split my work into two; between portraits and travel. I'm still unsure weather to keep these two but it works for now as my work is majority portraits, and I got rid of my still life images from my website, I don't think they're relevant to my current practice and I want to refine my work down, and increase quality. 

Underneath the first slideshow of images I have a gallery which is split into individual models, something I have worked on this year has been working with more models and approaching and working with people who I don't know. Something which is very evident from my variety of images in this version of my website in comparison to my first website. You can click on each image and another gallery will open showing more images from the shoots (screenshot below). 

I kept the travel section of my website to showcase some of my landscapes from BA2a that I was particularly proud of. I love the amount of colour on my website and they work really well within it.  

I now have two more pages, a contact as well as an about. The contact page above has a contact form which can be filled in and I will receive as an email, or I have my email or mobile there too. This is something I've seen on other photographers websites and felt needed to be included. As well as another set of links to key social media platforms. 

On my about page I split up my previous contact page to have one separate one which has a short bio and some more info. I found quite a few people have these separate and it breaks it up nicely. I have left a 'lets work together' button which when clicked, takes you straight to my contact page. It just helps navigate a bit easier. I chose the yellow colour to keep within my images which mostly use a lot of colour.

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