Shooting last night


As the sun was going down last night what was quite a cloudy day turned into a clear evening, I was visiting a friend who lives next to the Rose Lane carpark behind Prince of Wales, and we literally went across to the carpark next door and went to the roof, and did a very quick shoot as the sun was very low. What was totally unplanned actually turned out really well and I'm really happy with the shots I've got, we only had one outfit as we didn't know what we were going to find, but I plan to go back within the next week to get some more images there. I love the blue of the floor against the red of my jacket, which wasn't even supposed to be part of the outfit but I took off for her to wear. 
I'm still unsure on the light; I really like how you'd look at these images as a viewer and think that they could have been shot somewhere other than England, (maybe the three not including the full body shot) but I'm so used to shooting in bright sunshine around midday where the shadows are shorter and more contrasted. I definitely prefer shooting without cloud, I really think the cloud ruins the shot so I'm going to go back and try to get rid of them in post.

f/2.8 1/1000 Canon 5Ds

I can definitely use this image within my existing editorial as you cannot see the model and it could easily be my existing model, as it might look strange having just one image which a different model. I havent had any close up detail images of shoes that I really liked so this would work well alongside. 

1/1000 f/2.8 Canon 5Ds

1/2000 f/2.8 Canon 5Ds
 I wanted to include the yellow, as well as the blue and red within the shot. The blue top and bottom really frames the shot nicely, with the pops of saturated red and yellow too. I'm not sure about the lighting, the sun was really low at this point and I think I prefer shooting when its a bit higher, like in my previous images. Or maybe its the clouds I don't like, the more I look at it I can't decide, I like how the model is lit, but the sun hasn't lit the background evenly. I'm going to take this image back into photoshop and see if I can do anything to fix this. 

1/160 f/7.1 Canon 5Ds

This shot is my favourite from this shoot, I love the colour: the strip of white against the blue and the pop of red.

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