

This morning I emailed my design for publishing student who I am collaborating with, to help me with the design of my editorial. Her style is very similar to my own so I'm really excited to see what she comes back with. I sent her this indesign file which looks pretty rubbish, but so that she had a general idea of what I liked and gave her creative freedom to do what she wanted, adding/taking away images etc.  I set up the document size to the size of a standard magazine too so that everything will fit, and won't need adjusting after. I still need to add the credits to each image but will do that in the next draft I get back from her. I want to print my editorial within the next week so that I know it is finished and can concentrate on my other briefs. 

In my crit on Thursday Sophie suggested that because I have so many different images, that I create a zine which has more than one editorial inside, and is broken up by text. I really like this idea but I am worried I may loose quality with quantity, as I want to make sure I am not rushing producing what would be a considerably bigger zine. I think cutting down my image count will demonstrate my best work and what I am capable of, with the idea that I would be able to produce a bigger folio given a longer amount of time. 

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