Second Still life shoot


Yesterday I was in the studio shooting my second set of still life images. After my first successful shot of the bag with the blue and red background, I wanted to pursue a stronger aesthetic, away from a totally pastel washed image. I chose to photograph against a plain background as well as experimenting with something a little different. 

I am really happy with the outcomes of this shoot, the colours on the first image below work really well together and has received positive feedback from my peers. I am also pleased with my test using the patterned background and am looking forward to collaborating with a textiles student to produce some more exciting, vibrant work. 

After my 1 to 1 with ellen today I felt really inspired and wanted to try and shoot involving prints someway. I already have ideas to collaborate with a textiles student for a fashion shoot next week, however I wanted try something today, so I used what I had around me and used a pattered jumpsuit as a background and made a flat repeated background in post to create the image below. It is a rough idea of what I hope to achieve next week. 

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