First Portrait Shoot Outcomes


Final Outcomes

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This is one of my personal favourites from this shoot. I really like my models styling, and the pose. This image could also be interpreted as a still life which I found interesting, however I think I the focus to be on the model in my portraits, as here I find my eyes are drawn to the bag, which at the time was my aim but looking back, if I did it again I would ensure there is more of a clear difference between portrait and still life within my work. 

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This is another one of my personal favourite outcomes from the shoot. The styling really works with the colour, at first we had styled the model in pink to try and match the background but I felt it didn't work as well as expected and especially as I struggled to get the lighting to a colour that I wanted. 

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Overall I was happy with the outcome of this shoot, even though the colours didn't match the landscapes which I was trying to achieve, the pastels worked really well. The shoot has really made me think about what models I want to use and where I can source them from, as they really do make or break an image and I need models which do match my aesthetic; the model seen in the image immediately above suited much stronger, bolder colours whereas my other model suited the pale pastels much better, and therefore matched my desired aesthetic much better also.  

I found working with a bigger team very helpful; I had an art director from a graphics course 
 who was very supportive and helped create the shots and ease the pressure from me a little, it really helped having another eye and point of view to have input in the process. I plan to use her again in my still life shoots as I found her opinion to be invaluable. 

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